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Ceylon black tea is an internationally acclaimed ingenious tea belonging to Sri lanka. It is categorized and named after the distinct taste owing to the tropic of srilankan terrains. The innumerous health benefits of ceylon tea make it worth the pennies in international markets.
The rich source of antioxidants and fat burning elements make ceylon black tea to have a high nutritious profile. The presence of antioxidants in higher concentration benefits the burning of fat and regulation of blood sugar levels. Antioxidants are found to be effective in preventing cell damage and early aging. Besides, they prevent chronic health conditions such as cancer and diabetes.
● Authentic ceylon black tea grown in the highlands of sri lanka
● Abundant source of antioxidants, polyphenols
● Helps to decrease levels of total and LDL (bad) cholesterol
● Reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes
● Relieves chronic arthritis
● Antibacterial properties
● Prevents cell damages and slows aging.
● Complement for boba tea or bubble tea
Clinically proven to help weight loss and contains several body cleansing substances. Its fat burning capabilities works by activating a specific enzyme involved in breaking down fat cells that prevents fat accumulation
The mood enhancing capability of ceylon black tea is widely acknowledged. Hold your cup for a stress free living style and improved mental health.Making bubble tea or boba tea is an innovative way to consume ceylon black tea. Bubble tea, with its chewing pearls, is the best way to take a tea break for an instant stress relief.
Ceylon black tea has a strong, full-bodied flavor and a reddish appearance. The rich sources of mineral and vitamins are accredited to the tropic terrain of srilankan highgrounds.
Taste the honey golden ceylon tea with its modest tune of citrus and tanning appearance.
To most people, it’s an internationally consumed tea. It’s rich in flavor, abundant in health benefits, and now, the basis for popular Boba or Bubble Tea drinks. That’s correct, Ceylon Black Tea is found in many boba flavors that you come to love.Share your thoughts with other customers